Foundry College is able to offer Theraplay sessions with our qualified practitioners:
Sandra Ostridge – Certified Theraplay Therapist.
Louise Brookes – Certified Foundation Theraplay Practitioner.

What is Theraplay?
Family work/Theraplay ® consisting of a Behaviour Specialist trained to deliver family sessions using Theraplay Techniques, working on site in our relaxing and engaging Therapy room.
Theraplay is a structured therapeutic intervention for children and their parents. Its goal is to enhance attachment, self-esteem, trust in others and joyful engagement. The sessions are fun, physical, personal and interactive and replicate the natural, healthy interaction between parents and young children.
Children can be referred for a wide variety of problems including withdrawn or depressed behaviour, overactive – aggressive behaviour, temper tantrums, phobias, and difficulty socialising and making friends. Children are also referred for various behaviour and interpersonal problems resulting from learning disabilities, developmental delays, and pervasive developmental disorders or Autism Spectrum Conditions.
Because of its focus on attachment and relationship development this intervention is used successfully with foster and adoptive families as well as with those children experiencing attachment difficulties.
If you would like to further information on Theraplay and how it can be accessed, please contact
Ofsted commented;
“You care deeply about the pupils and are determined to make sure that your school provides the nurturing environment that they need.”
“Pupils are happy at your school, they say that there is always someone to talk to and that their views are valued. Parents and carers praise the improvements in their children’s behaviour and attitudes to learning.”
“You and your team are acutely aware of the importance of ensuring that every pupil is safeguarded from harm.”
Foundry College
Budges Gardens
RG40 1PX
Tel: 0118 334 1510