At Foundry College careers guidance is provided from Primary to Year 11.

Careers support is available through the school Careers Lead, Vix Padgett.  E: T: 0118 334 1510.

Within school many career events take place, including career specific speakers, workshops, information about college, apprenticeships, sixth form alternative curriculums, CV writing, interview techniques etc. As part of the LIFE lessons and cross-curriculum work, we provide career-related lessons, activities where local businesses help to provide a realistic experience such as Mock Interviews, college and apprenticeship events, and trips related to various career topics. Below is our summary page:

Please click here if you would like to see the full Foundry College Careers Plan.

Full details of Foundry Colleges approach to careers can be found in our Teaching & Learning Policy.

Labour Market Information

We also recommend the National Careers Service website and a number of other independent careers sites to help parents and students. Please click here for links to useful websites next steps information.

Careers across the Curriculum

At Foundry College we believe careers should be integrated within all lessons and information regarding careers delivered across the curriculum. Below are samples from lessons on how we do this :

Art – Careers in art are discussed as they crop up in explorations/research about various artists and artistic Movements, especially in relation to digitally focused work, social media and more traditional galleries. Next steps in Art are also considered including college expectations, courses and options.

English – We aim to help students recognise the importance of English as a key skill which underpins their ability to communicate in the workplace.  Students are encouraged to be functionally literate and be able to interpret and decode a variety of texts at levels appropriate to the individual student.  Typical English writing assessment tasks may be centred on responding to emails or writing a personal statement to apply for a job. Spoken language communication is a vital skill and students are taught to recognise the difference between formal and informal language and to develop appropriate communication skills.

Food and Cookery – This subject covers a range of topics related to food and healthy eating. The course teaches pupils the importance of hygiene and safety in the kitchen. The pupils who take part in these lesson are informed of the requirements of professional kitchen and the strict safety measures in place to ensure everyone’s safety.  The discussion of careers is often mentioned with different pathways into a career in hospitality. A specific pathway is working in a professional kitchen and the different roles available from pot washer, chef to front of house and wait staff.

History & Geography – The question of ‘what use is this for a career?’ often crops up.  This is addressed specifically right at the start of the courses and then as it arises. Links with the world of work are ongoing and there are references in most lessons in some way or other.

LIFE – In LIFE we cover a variety of topics which assist students to navigate career pathways. The whole of Unit 1 is designed around developing a career action plan they can use as they leave school and embark upon employment. In addition, the lessons create a space for students to have discussions and develop their communication skills. We also work on developing confidence and presentation skills.

Mathematics – Mathematical knowledge is very important for all jobs. When we cover new topics in maths we always relate this to real life situations and how this is useful. Pupils often what to know when they will come across certain topics in future careers. Our school numeracy plan ensures pupils are numerate in all subjects. We also have a functional skills module, which is based on everyday practical mathematics and covers problems on best on buys, hourly rate, speed and many more topics.

Occupational Studies – There are many discussions, of which our teachers draw upon their own personal experiences when appropriate to give a real insight. Pupils are provided with information such as routes into the appropriate courses or apprenticeships to suit their interest and the possibilities this can lead to eventual self-employment. Activities such as letter writing, producing a brochure, writing a quotation are built into the lessons, as well as portfolio development. Trips to building sites are organised to give pupils that first-hand knowledge of potential site work and a chance to speak to workers.

Physical Education – Physical education covers a wide range of topics of anatomy & physiology and socio-cultural issues. The career pathways that are discussed are working as a personal trainer of continuing their interest in a specific sport to become a coach or manager of a team.  Many pupils don’t see physical education as a career pathway and just something they do as a hobby or pastime.

Science – The focus is to challenge stereotypes of scientists.  This is addressed through the use of showing video clips and images that are consciously chosen to try to make sure that they are not fitting into the nutty (male) professor that has previously fit a student’s understanding of what a scientist is. 

Gatsby Benchmarks

At Foundry College we ensure we follow and adhere to delivering The Gatsby Benchmarks, which is the framework of 8 guidelines that define the best careers provision in secondary schools.

Measuring Impact of the Careers Programme

Foundry College will assess the impact of its careers programme by completing an annual pupil and parent survey and analysing destinations data at Year, this includes as well as NEET (not in education, employment or training) statistics.

The 2023-2024 results will be available here in July. 

Additionally, the views of pupils will be surveyed after key events, such as mock interviews, parents’ information evening. Feedback will be taken into account and help support/shape/make change to the current careers programme annually.  

Post-16 Support

Although our pupils leave us officially at the end of year 11, we do not leave them and the Careers Lead continues to offer support a reduced support for the next 3 years. This support may be providing links and information to alternative courses, apprenticeships, internships or any other option which is better suited.

As a part of this the Careers Lead contact at 3 different points throughout the next 3 years to check in and ensure everything is going well in your chosen pursuit. This does not prevent pupils and/or parents to contact at other points in the school year if support is needed.

Provider Access Policy

At Foundry College we track all careers education experiences our pupils have from the time they start with us, along with gathering information from their previous schools.

This policy statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.

Pupil entitlement

All pupils in years 7-11 are entitled:

  • To find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point.
  • To hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events.
  • To understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.

 Please speak to our Careers Leader, Vix Padgett to identify the most suitable opportunity for you.

 Premises and facilities

The school will make the main hall, classrooms, or private meeting rooms available for discussions between the provider and students, as appropriate to the activity.

The school will also make available equipment to support provider presentations. This will all be discussed and agreed in advance of the visit with the Careers Leader.

Providers are welcome to leave a copy of their prospectus or other relevant course literature with the careers lead.

Please click here for our policy.






















Ofsted commented;

“You care deeply about the pupils and are determined to make sure that your school provides the nurturing environment that they need.”

“Pupils are happy at your school, they say that there is always someone to talk to and that their views are valued. Parents and carers praise the improvements in their children’s behaviour and attitudes to learning.”

“You and your team are acutely aware of the importance of ensuring that every pupil is safeguarded from harm.”

Useful Links

Headteacher Iain Thomas

Foundry College

Budges Gardens



RG40 1PX

Tel: 0118 334 1510